Hosting accounts-how to create

Hosting accounts also called hosting plans are very
 different from domain names. Your hosting account
gives you space online to house your website.
It’s like leasing a building.

If you lease a building to use for your business,
that building becomes your business address.
 You can move your business to another building, taking
your name with you at any time. You aren’t
stuck in one building forever just
because that’s where you started.
You purchase a hosting account from a web
 host or hosting provider and,
although it is often purchased in conjunction
 with a domain name, it is
independent of the name.

The term hosting planactually defines the
 specifications of your hosting
account. The two terms, account and plan,
 are sometimes used interchangeably to mean
 the facilities and allowances you get with your account from
your web host.

The difference between a hosting account and
 a domain name is an important distinction to note.
 When it comes time to renew your name registration and
hosting account, you must make sure you renew
 both. Just because you renew your hosting plan
 doesn’t automatically mean you renew your name
 registration. In real-world terms, it’s like saying
 that renewing your business license
doesn’t mean you have paid your rent.